La Gift Carte
Imagine the look on your bestie’s face when you tell her you got her a trip to France. She’d be pretty thrilled, non?! Can’t afford that? A Hello French gift card (carte cadeau) is the next best thing.
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Table of Content
- The geography of France
- Introduction
- L’alphabet
- Definite and indefinite articles (le/la/les/une/un/des)
- Cities and places in France
- ID Card
- How to introduce yourself
- Numbers 1-20, Verbs: être et avoir | Regular -ER verbs: parler et habiter | Préposition à | Contracted article | Liaison
- Jobs and nationalities
- Greetings and manners (tu vs. vous)
- Addressing someone you don’t know
- Paris districts (arrondissements) and monuments
- Conversations in public transportation (subway, taxi, bus, biking or walking)
- Means of transportation and directions
- Verbs: prendre, aller, faire | 3 ways to ask questions | Prepositions for places
- Fun facts about the Paris subway
- Hotel conversation
- Verbs: dormir, partir, devoir | Locution il y a | How to ask for the time | Negation (ne…pas)
- Vocabulary of hotels and accommodation | Moments of the day
- Hotels in Paris
- Conversation at the bakery and at a café
- Breakfast pastries, breads, and coffees
- Verb: vouloir | Adverbs | Tense: Near future (le futur proche)
- What not to say at a bakery, café, and restaurant!
- Dialogue at a restaurant with a server
- Partitive article (de la, du, de l’, des, de, d’) | Expressions with avoir | Tense: Conditional
- Vegetables | Fruits | Restaurant menu items | Meals of the day | Paying at a restaurant
- Cécilia’s dad’s restaurant in Paris (Le Colimaçon) and a secret password to get the VIP treatment there
- Conversations at the museum
- Demonstrative adjectives (ce, cet, cette, ces) | The imperative mode
- Types of cultural places | Museum vocabulary
- Paris museum recs | Types of museum tickets in France
- Conversations at the clothing store | Conversations between friends
- Reflexive verbs | Verbs for shopping | Qualifying and possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, son, sa, ses)
- Clothing items | Beauty | The bookstore
- French slang | Where to shop in Paris (best streets and store recs)
- Numbers to call in France in case of an emergency
- How to make an appointment | Dialogue at the doctor’s office
- Modal verbs (devoir, falloir, pouvoir) | How to express pain with avoir
- Health issues | Types of doctors | Self-care places
- Speak like a native (expressions, slang, and curse words)
- French music
What's Included
Essentials of sentence structure and conjugation
Conversation and everyday phrases
How to navigate common situations in France
French etiquette and how to live the French way of life
Where to go and who to call in case of an emergency
100+ recorded French sounds with detailed explanations
25+ recordings of French conversations and vocabulary

La Carte Cadeau
Want to bring a smile to your favorite French language and culture enthusiast? You can easily do so with a personalized digital gift card. Just click "I want to send this as a gift," then add their name, email address, and a heartfelt message. You can even schedule the delivery date to make their day truly special. Easy, right?